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China China

The ICAT project in China focused on exploring the the transition from the 1996 to the 2006 IPCC guidelines of the GHG inventory report and improving the MRV system for non-CO2 emissions, especially methane emissions. The project improved the understanding of national inventory teams, contributing to improved GHG inventories and further contributed to the refinement of the methodologies regarding methane MRV for coal and oil and gas sectors.


Tackling some of the specific gaps and barriers applying the new MPGs rules.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
Status: complete
Start date: November, 2019
End date: August, 2022
  • Gap analysis of transparency rules, including status of MRV, comparing rules to identify gaps and obstacles and proposing sustainable institutional arrangements to support high-quality compliance, including inter-sectoral cooperation mechanisms, technical support systems and working mechanism program.
  • Scoping study on the transition from the 1996 to the 2006 IPCC guidelines of the GHG inventory report, including identifying new sources of emissions, data collection mechanisms that need to be established (considering synergies with pollutant reductions), country-specific factors may need to be updated, and analysis of the impact of emissions.
  • Improving the MRV for non-CO2 emissions, especially methane emissions, and propose monitoring and statistic standards and methodologies for coal and oil industries.


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If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in China, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.