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Brazil Brazil


The first ICAT project supported Brazil in assessing implementation of the NDC and alternative mitigation scenarios with additional mitigation actions. It concluded with a proposal for a MRV framework for the Brazilian NDC. The second ICAT project estimated the potential of 3 Brazilian states to contribute to the NDC commitments and MRV indicators. In a third ICAT project, currently under implementation, ICAT is supporting Brazil in estimating the potential expansion of variable renewable energy and biomass sources and assessing the respective sustainable development impacts. The third project also supports the preparation of the national Climate Plan for 2024, specifically contributing to the “Just Transition” transversal axis. 



ICAT tools used in the country

Project 3


Conduct an impact assessment of current and proposed policies on the future expansion of electricity production from variable renewable energy sources (wind, solar photovoltaic, and biomass) up to 2050, alignment with the NDC targets and contribution to the sustainable development goals. The project was extended to support Brazil’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change in an important aspect of the preparation of the national Climate Plan (Plano Clima), specifically contributing to the just transition transversal axis through developing a roadmap for monitoring the just transition. The Climate Plan will provide the basis for Brazil’s next NDC update. This extended project will cover five sectors of the Climate Plan: energy, agriculture, land-use change and forestry, industry, and waste.


  • M&E of just transitions M&E of just transitions
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: In progress
Start date: March, 2023
  • Estimate the potential expansion of variable renewable energy (VRE) and biomass sources and its impact in the national grid up to 2050 using the ICAT Renewable Energy Policy Impact Assessment Tool.
  • Assess the sustainable development impacts of the VRE and biomass expansion in the Deep Decarbonization Scenario (DDS Brazil) in comparison with the expansion under the current policy scenario, applying the ICAT Sustainable Development Methodology.
  • Define and assess the potential socio-economic and socio-environmental impacts of the sectoral measures proposed in the modeling of the Climate Plan’s sectoral targets, which will have to be considered in the just transition monitoring plan.
  • Develop a plan for monitoring the just transition in the sectors.

Deliverables will be made available here as the project progresses.

Project 2


Develop a strategy to commit Brazilian states to helping the country achieve the NDC goals.


  • GHG projections GHG projections
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
  • Subnational and non-state action Subnational and non-state action
Status: complete
Start date: February, 2020
End date: November, 2021

Project 1


Support the development of a methodology to calculate the effect of different sets of mitigation actions in terms of avoided GHG emissions. The project also contributed to establishing an MRV framework by defining indicators for tracking the implementation of the Brazilian NDC and developing a draft decree which expands the regulation of the climate change national policy to cover the tracking of the NDCs.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: March, 2018
End date: October, 2019
  • Assessment and analysis of the current status of NDC implementation
  • Assessment of additional mitigation actions with input from relevant stakeholders
  • Proposal of a methodology for the development of a MRV system to track the implementation of the NDC
  • Draft of an MRV bill


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in Brazil, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.