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Fiji Fiji


ICAT supported Fiji in implementing an MRV system in the agricultural sector, using sustainable institutional arrangements for managing greenhouse gas data. It contributed to the institutionalization of the agricultural sector inventory and the establishment of a strong evidence base for analyzing the impact of agriculture policies. Additionally, the project measured the effectiveness of targeted climate policies and actions in livestock and rice cultivation and provided recommendations for incorporating agriculture into Fiji’s enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution. Currently, ICAT is working with Fiji to strengthen the climate MRV framework in Fiji by extending the methodology and good practices developed in the first ICAT project to increase coverage of sectors and gases and provide a strong linkage of the GHG inventory data.


Tools used in this project

Project 2


Strengthen the climate MRV framework in Fiji by extending the methodology and good practices developed in the first ICAT project to increase coverage of sectors and gases and provide a strong linkage of the GHG inventory data with the prioritized aspects of Fiji’s climate policy and national obligations under the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement, and the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: November, 2023
End date: December, 2024
  • Build capacity to apply the activity data collection procedures in the agriculture sector and to address the gaps in activity data collection identified in Phase I of the ICAT project, with a focus on livestock data.
  • Design overarching institutional arrangements and recommendation for national reporting system and design for Fijian national GHG inventory for the use of refrigerants in refrigeration and air-conditioning (i.e . HFC emission s).
  • Enhance mitigation efforts of Fiji in relation to municipal and industrial waste treatment and utilization through: (i) mapping the activity data flows in the solid waste disposal on land category, and (ii) estimating the GHG impact of the currently running and identified new biogas projects in consistency with the waste sector data in the national GHG inventory.

Project 1


Βuild Fiji’s capacity in implementing MRV systems measuring the performance of climate policies and developing recommendations for Fiji’s enhanced NDC, with a focus on the agriculture sector for both MRV systems and policy.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: November, 2020
End date: May, 2022
  1. Implementation of agriculture sectoral MRV systems based on a sustainable institutional arrangement for managing GHG data aiming to institutionalize agriculture sector inventory and create a robust evidence base for agriculture policy impact analysis based on ICAT methodology.
  2. Measurement of the performance of the targeted climate policies and actions in livestock and rice cultivation.
  3. Development of recommendations for including agriculture sector policies in Fiji’s enhanced NDC.


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Fiji, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.