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Ethiopia Ethiopia


ICAT supported Ethiopia in conducting a CO2 emission reduction impact assessment of mitigation policies and actions in the energy sector. A follow-up set of activities supported Ethiopia in assessing the tools used for the NDC update, as well as in building capacity to assess mitigation options through use of the GACMO tool, which will also be the basis for the development of Ethiopia’s NDC tracking framework. As a final activity, the ICAT project built capacity on Article 6 and the related MRV requirements, preparing Ethiopia to engage with carbon markets.


Impact assessment of mitigation policies and actions; Development of an NDC tracking framework; Capacity building for implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.


  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: January, 2021
End date: March, 2024
  1. CO2 emission reduction impact assessment of mitigation policies and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and forestry sectors
  2. Getting ready for the UNFCCC Paris agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework requirements
  3. Assessment of the tool(s)/model used for the NDC update
  4. Capacity building on using GACMO for assessing the mitigation impacts of various options and actions
  5. Development of an NDC tracking framework based on the GACMO model
  6. Capacity building on the MRV related to Article 6 participation


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If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Ethiopia, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.