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Cambodia Cambodia


The ICAT projects in Cambodia focused on the sectors of energy and transport, developing and enhancing the country’s MRV frameworks and institutional arrangements. In a first phase, ICAT provide support to establish a general framework for establishment of national MRV system which can be applied for other sectors. In a second phase, ICAT supported the development of a proposal for an MRV governance structure and the review of the mitigations actions for the transport sector in context of the country’s NDC.




ICAT Tools used in the country


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial update reports


Biennial transparency reports


Project 2


The primary focus of the ICAT project is on Cambodia’s Transport sector, with the aim to develop an MRV Framework for the Transport Sector and capacity for the use of transparency related tools.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: February, 2021
End date: January, 2022
  1. Prioritization of policies / actions / targets of the Transport sector NDCs to develop a MRV system.
  2. Conduct capacity building training on GACMO and ICAT SD assessment methodology.
  3. MRV needs and gaps assessment report for the selected Action / Policy.
  4. Selection of appropriate methodology for development of MRV for the Transport Sector in Cambodia and capacity building on selected methodology
  5. Design of the MRV System and Establishment of Roles and Responsibilities.
  6. Dissemination Workshop and Implementation Plan.

Project 1


Strengthen the MRV framework for the RE sub-sector including aspects related to institutional arrangements, legal frameworks, and policies monitoring methodologies and procedures.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
Status: complete
Start date: February, 2018
End date: October, 2020


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Cambodia, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.