ICAT has been supporting Costa Rica to enhance and operationalize the National Climate Change Metrics System (SINAMECC), including support in ensuring that the legal and institutional aspects are in place. Costa Rica also piloted the ICAT Sustainable Development and Transformational Change methodologies, and proceeded to integrate sustainable development and transformational change considerations in SINAMECC.
Strengthen the replicability and sustainability of SINAMECC as a tool to facilitate reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. Broaden the scope of the registry of mitigation and adaptation actions by also considering variables that include the evaluation of sustainable development and the estimation of the impact of transformational change.
Develop further the analysis of the impacts associated with sustainable development and transformational change to support the implementation of the Decarbonisation Plan in a way that it takes a holistic approach to sustainable development, exploits synergies with the SDGs, and strengthens the efforts to establish a domestic carbon market.
Strengthen the capacities of the National Climate Change Metrics System (SINAMECC) as an articulator tool of transparent tracking and reporting of mitigation actions in Costa Rica.
Implemented with:
If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in Costa Rica, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.
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