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Belize Belize

The first ICAT project in Belize contributed to the identification of impact and progress indicators for the mitigation component of Belize’s NDC and the respective institutional arrangements. This enhanced the national MRV system, which was synthetized in a Climate Change Bill. Two additional ICAT projects are currently under implementation in Belize. One is focused on operationalizing the national online Climate Change MRV platform and enhancing sub-national and non-state actor level support and integration. The other one is focused on establishing a climate finance tracking framework.



ICAT tools used in the country


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial update reports


Biennial transparency reports




Project 3


  • Define climate finance and establish the parameters of climate finance considering the national circumstances in Belize.
  • Develop a national methodological approach to identify the climate finance needs.
  • Develop and strengthen a methodology for climate finance tracking, covering international and domestic public climate finance.
  • Establish and formalise the institutional arrangements for climate finance MRV.


  • Climate finance tracking Climate finance tracking
Status: In progress
Start date: March, 2023
  • Baseline assessment of national climate finance framework.
  • Mapping of relevant stakeholders in Belize involved in climate finance activities.
  • Develop a national working definition of climate finance.
  • Develop methodology to assess climate finance needs in line with NDC updating and review cycles.
  • Integrate the climate finance needs assessment within the overall climate change MRV system of Belize.
  • Develop the methodology for climate finance tracking.
  • Build stakeholders capacity on the methodology of climate finance tracking.
  • Design institutional arrangements and protocols of the climate finance MRV, integrating it to the overall MRV system.

Project highlights will be displayed here as the project implementation progresses.

Project 2


  • Strengthening national and institutional capacities to support the implementation of the developed national climate change MRV system under ICAT Phase I.
  • Enhancing sector, sub-national and non-state actor level support and integration into the national MRV system.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Sectoral climate data systems Sectoral climate data systems
  • Subnational and non-state action Subnational and non-state action
Status: In progress
Start date: January, 2023
  • Design a sector-level MRV System to support tracking of GHG emissions, the impact of mitigation and adaptation actions, and climate finance flows.
  • Design formalized institutional arrangements for the National MRV System.
  • Build capacity on: (1) statistical analysis and data modelling and projection, (2) monitoring techniques and systems (3) technical review and verification processes, and (4) GHG inventories.
  • Support the operationalization of the national online Climate Change MRV platform including modules for GHG inventory, NDC tracking, non-state and subnational reporting.
  • Implementation of ICAT “Non-state and subnational actions” methodology and integration of sub-national and non-state actors with the national MRV system.

Project 1


Selection of impact and progress indicators for the mitigation component of the NDC, institutional arrangements, data collection and storage, as well as impact assessment of a selected NDC policy, that will ultimately facilitate the enhancement of the national MRV system for climate change.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: October, 2019
End date: August, 2022


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in Belize, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.
