ICAT works closely with its partner countries to develop policy-focused, priority-driven projects that develop the information and data frameworks and related capacity to improve the implementation, tracking, and enhancement of their NDCs and reporting.
With a variety of support offers available, ICAT partner countries can choose the right mix of activities which best addresses their needs and national priorities.
This component is focused on the development and implementation of one or several sectoral MRV frameworks covering:
This component can target either updating existing institutional arrangements or developing completely new arrangements to bridge critical gaps.
Applicable tools and methodologies:
This component aims to develop and implement an NDC tracking framework to fulfill the requirements of Section III of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs – decision 18/CMA.1), i.e. “Information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contributions under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement”. It covers an NDC tracking framework and capacity to implement and maintain its functionality, including:
This component supports a national process and the selection/development of supporting tool(s) for the projection of GHG emissions and removals, including building capacity to develop and maintain various scenarios of projections of GHG emissions, and developing at least a ‘with measures’ projection of GHG emissions and removals in accordance with the requirements of the MPGs – decision 18/CMA.1.
This component aims to support the assessment of the impact of national policies and measures through the application of one or more of ICAT’s assessment guides:
This component is aimed at supporting national governments in gaining an enhanced understanding of non-state and subnational mitigation actions in the country and enabling their aggregation and possible integration into national targets and mitigation plans. This includes the assessment of the potential aggregate impact of selected non-state and subnational actions done by applying the ICAT Non-State and Subnational Action Guide and its accompanying tool, the Climate Action Aggregation Tool.
This component is aimed at the development and implementation of a framework that supports the tracking of climate finance at national level, in the context of NDC implementation and the benefits associated with climate action, and linked to national development finance; it enables integration of such data in a country’s transparency framework.
This component is aimed at the development and implementation of one or several sectoral or economy-wide just transition monitoring and evaluation frameworks that can support policy makers to make informed decisions, build stakeholder support for transformational climate action, and monitor progress towards just transition goals.
This component is aimed at setting up an IT tool/system to be used for:
This component is focused on the development and implementation of one or several sectoral M&E frameworks systems to monitor and evaluate the implementation of adaptation actions.
Applicable methodologies and tools:
Algeria launches ICAT project for improved climate data as a basis for strengthening its NDCs
Mozambique elevates climate transparency efforts with new ICAT project