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Zimbabwe Zimbabwe


ICAT supported Zimbabwe to develop a framework for tracking progress of NDC implementation and assess the impacts of the national renewable energy and national bio-fuels policies. A new project is supporting the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for adaptation.


Tools used in this project

Project 2


Develop the institutional arrangements and tools needed to support the implementation of Zimbabwe’s National Adaptation Plan monitoring and evaluation framework for reporting adaptation action under the ETF, and rolling out this framework in three selected districts.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
Status: In progress
Start date: May, 2024
  • Develop and institutionalize the digital tool for the NAP-MEF data collection, transmission and processing.
  • Capacitate adaptation experts and data providers on the NAP M&E framework and the digital tool.
  • Integrate the NAP-MEF into National Communication and Biennial Transparency reporting processes.
  • Integrate gender indicators into the NAP-MEF and reporting.

Deliverables will be made available here as the project implementation progresses.


Project 1


Strengthen systems for informed NDC implementation and related policy assessments.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: December, 2020
End date: July, 2022
  • Conduct an in-depth study on NOC implementation tracking for Zimbabwe in order to inform institutional arrangements, proposed MRV procedures and data collection templates for all sectors.
  • Increase the local skills base in analysis of the GHG mitigation options for Zimbabwe through the use of the Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO).
  • Assess the Greenhouse Gas and Economic Impacts of the National Renewable Energy and National Bio-Fuels Policies using ICAT guidelines.
  • Train local experts in key government institutions in GHG data verification, quality assurance and quality control with the aim of improving the country’s ability to produce improved reports to the UNFCCC.


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Zimbabwe, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.