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Uganda Uganda

The project aims to enhance Uganda’s greenhouse gas emission inventory and projection capabilities for the transport and waste sectors. It also focuses on improving the tracking of actions related to Uganda’s NDC in these sectors.This includes strengthening the capacity of the sector working groups for inventory management and conducting baseline assessments, as well as operationalizing the NDC tracking framework.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications

Biennial update reports

Project 2


The project focuses on sustainably enhancing the greenhouse gas emission inventory; projections and mitigation analysis modelling capability for the transport and waste sectors; and enhance Uganda’s ability to track the NDC actions in these two sectors.


  • GHG projections GHG projections
  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
Status: In progress
Start date: November, 2022

Project 1 (ICAT Pilot Project)


Evaluate the greenhouse gas and sustainable development impacts of the Geothermal Energy Development policy to determine its potential for driving transformational change and to identify the resulting outcomes.


  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
End date: November, 2019
  • Conduct an ex-ante assessment of the potential transformational impacts related to geothermal energy development in Uganda, with a focus on social and environmental considerations., using the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology.
  • Support capacity building for transparency, and provide insights for the policy design process.
  • Provide feedback on the methodology based on the assessment.


Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Uganda, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.