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Tajikistan Tajikistan


ICAT is supporting Tajikistan to develop and enhance its capacity for the preparation of its greenhouse gas inventory and conducting policy impact assessments, to comply with UNFCCC reporting requirements. Tajikistan is also a member of the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia.


Developing and enhancing Tajikistan’s capacity for the preparation of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory and Policy Impact Assessment, as per the UNFCCC requirements for the preparation of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR).


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: In progress
Start date: June, 2024
  • Develop a structure and cross cutting elements for GHG Inventory preparation
  • Enhance national capacity for preparation of GHG Inventory
  • Assess GHG impact of the selected policies and measures in alignment with MPG reporting requirements

Deliverables will be made available here as the project progresses.

Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Tajikistan, please contact the ICAT Secretariat. To learn more about the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub in Central Asia click here.