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Rwanda Rwanda

The ICAT project in Rwanda supported the country in performing an assessment of the greenhouse gas impacts and transformational change potential of Rwandan climate policies. It also supported Rwanda in collecting the baseline data necessary for the tracking on the country’s NDCs. Rwanda is also a member of ICAT’s Hub in Central Africa.



Tools used in the project:

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial update reports


Biennial transparency reports


Strengthen the national institutions to meet enhanced transparency requirements of Paris Agreement.


  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: November, 2017
End date: January, 2021
  1. Assessment of country’s needs, gaps and barriers for assessing GHG impacts of energy policies and actions in the NDC context.
  2. Methodological framework to assess GHG impacts of policies and actions for energy related sectors (including electricity, transport, waste for energy, residential, commercial and services· and industry.
  3. Baseline data collected for energy related sectors which will adequately inform and facilitate tracking of planned actions in Rwanda’s Nationally Determined Contributions.


Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Rwanda, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.