ICAT is cuurently supporting Mexico to enhance climate transparency at federal, subnational level, with private sector, academia and NGOs in the process of preparation of Mexico’s NDC roadmap. A previous project, implemented at a subnational level by the Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, used multiple, complementing ICAT policy assessment guides to assess a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for landscape regeneration.
Deliverables will be made available here as the project progresses.
Project highlights will be displayed here as the implementation progresses.
Quantify the greenhouse gas and transformational change impacts of the NAMA “Subnational mitigation actions for the regeneration of forests and the implementation of planning grazing,” and demonstrate that the public policies and actions of the NAMA can make a significant contribution to achieving and increasing the ambition of Mexico’s nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement.
Case study: Multiple ICAT Assessment Guides used to implement NAMA in Mexico
Implemented with:
If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Mexico, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.
Multiple ICAT Assessment Guides used to implement NAMA in Mexico
Webinar: Forestry Assessment Guide
Webinar: Introduction to the Assessment Guides