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Kenya Kenya

ICAT support in Kenya initially focused on strengthening the capacity to effectively and efficiently implement, monitor, and report adaptation actions and collect data for GHG inventories for the agriculture sector at national and county levels. Subsequent projects have targeted transparency for the crops sub-sector and nature-based solutions. 



ICAT tools used in the country

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial Transparency Reports

Project 3


The project aims to develop a nature-based solutions monitoring and evaluation framework aligned with Kenya’s climate-smart agriculture monitoring and evaluation framework . It seeks to identify and map relevant nature-based solutions practices in key biodiversity areas, create a national framework with clear metrics for measuring resilience, mitigation, and adaptation, build stakeholder capacity for data collection and reporting, and pilot the framework.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
  • Sectoral climate data systems Sectoral climate data systems
Status: In progress
Start date: December, 2024
  • Identify and map agriculture relevant nature-based solutions practices for use in key biodiversity areas;
  • Develop a national nature-based solutions monitoring and evaluation framework with clear metrics and tools for measuring/quantification of the processes/inputs and outcomes/benefits in terms of resilience, mitigation and adaptation, accounting for and using the ICAT Assessment Guides and ICAT case studies, Kenya’s national climate-smart agriculture strategy and the available draft nature-based solutions methodology;
  • Build capacity of national and county-level stakeholders tasked with collecting and aggregating data for reporting on the NCCAP, NDC and BTR;
  • Pilot the use of the guide in the counties and communities surrounding the Chyullu hills catchment area.

Deliverables will be made available here as the project progresses.


Project highlights will be displayed here as the project implementation progresses.


Project 2


The main objective of this project is to build a sustainable crop subsector GHG activity data information system that will: facilitate information sharing among stakeholders, inform carbon emissions trend, agricultural development policy and decision making in Kenya, and track NDC implementation progress.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: In progress
Start date: February, 2023
  1. Evaluate the current MRV arrangements, performance, and specific needs for information by stakeholders and conduct policy assessment to establish mitigation impacts for the crop subsector.
  2. Develop an MRV reporting system for the crop subsector.
  3. Build capacity of stakeholders at national and sub-national level to GHG inventory for the crop sub-sector.

Project 1


Strengthen the capacity to effectively and efficiently implement, monitor, and report adaptation actions for the agriculture sector in Kenya at national and county levels in a transparent manner.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
Status: complete
Start date: September, 2020
End date: February, 2023


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in Kenya, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.