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India India

ICAT has supported India in enhancing transparency in both mitigation and adaptation. The ICAT project focused on mitigation supported the implementation of India’s domestic MRV/transparency system in the Buildings Sector, Transport Sector and Renewable Energy Sector. The ICAT adaptation project strengthen the capacity to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate adaptation actions, with a focus on agriculture, resulting in a national Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Framework for tracking adaptation in the agricultural sector.



ICAT tools used in the country

Project 2


Strengthen the capacity to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate effective and efficient adaptation actions in a transparent manner, with a focus on the agriculture sector. Plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate effective and efficient adaptation actions in a transparent manner, through case studies and best practices identified in newer sectors relevant to adaptation in India.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
Status: complete
Start date: May, 2019
End date: February, 2023

Project 1


Support the implementation of India’s domestic MRV/transparency system in the Buildings Sector, Transport Sector and Renewable Energy Sector.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: October, 2017
End date: June, 2020
  1. Mapping of the key actors (institutions) and existing approaches used for monitoring and evaluation of select policies, plans or actions leading to achieving the NDCs.
  2. Review outlining the potential mitigation actions and policies to achieve the NDC goal.
  3. Recommendations for MRV approaches and institutional coordination of MRV for mitigation actions and policies.
  4. Development of methodologies for monitoring of policies in (1) Buildings Sector (2) Transport Sector (3) Renewable Energy Sector.


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in India, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.