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Dominican Republic Dominican Republic

ICAT has worked with the Dominican Republic to enhance transparency in both adaptation and mitigation. On mitigation, the ICAT projects led to the establishment of a legal framework to manage a national MRV/transparency system, aligned with the ETF of the Paris Agreement and covering data collection, data management and institutional arrangements. Currently ICAT is supporting the implementation and operationalization of the National MRV/Transparency System, enhancing capacity and providing sector-specific guidance. On adaptation, the ICAT project built capacity in planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating adaptation actions, strengthening the transparency framework for the agriculture sector, and specifically the banana sub-sector.




ICAT tools used in the country


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial update reports


Project 3


Implement and operationalise the National MRV/Transparency System, strengthen capacities and provide a toolbox with sectorial guides.



  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
Status: complete
Start date: October, 2020
End date: July, 2024
  1. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de las entidades que conforman el Sistema Nacional de MRV de Gases de Efecto Invernadero Desarrollados.
  2. Bases de la construcción hacia el Marco Nacional de Transparencia enfocado en el Sistema Nacional de MRV de Gases de Efecto Invernadero.
  3. Caja de Herramientas para la implementación del Sistema MRV y la Construcción del Marco Nacional de Transparencia.

Project 2


  • Srengthen Dominican Republic’s capacity to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate effective and efficient adaptation actions in a transparent manner for the Agriculture and Tourism sectors. This project has a top-down approach of the adaptation transparency framework.
  • Capacity building on planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating adaptation actions effectively and efficiently to strengthen the transparency framework using the Dominican Republic’s agriculture sector (banana sub – sector) as pilot. This project had a bottom-up approach of the adaptation transparency framework.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
Status: complete
Start date: April, 2019
End date: February, 2023
  1. Development of tools and methodologies to increase the transparency of monitoring and evaluation of adaptation measures in the agriculture and tourism sectors.
  2. Evaluation and validation of tools and methodologies with key national stakeholders.
  3. Capacity building for evaluation and transparency report on the adaptation measures the agriculture and tourism sectors.
  4. Pilot methodologies and tools targeted to the banana production sector to identify indicators to track the current state of the production system.
  5. Tracking the effectiveness of adaptation measures implemented and providing guidance on what data to measure and how to inform these indicators.

Project 1


Establish a legal framework that specifies and guides the management of a national MRV/transparency system to meet the objectives of article 13 of the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC. This legal framework covered the aspects of data collection, data management and related institutional arrangements.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
Status: complete
Start date: November, 2017
End date: March, 2020
  1. Development of a technical, institutional and legal analysis to establish the current situation and identify the gaps in regards to the main elements required for a national MRV/Transparency System.
  2. Development of a legal proposal for a supreme decree that will establish a National MRV/Transparency System.


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in the Dominican Republic, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.