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Cuba Cuba

The first ICAT project aimed to develop a new baseline and mitigation scenario for the energy sector within Cuba’s new NDC, incorporating identified mitigation actions. It involved designing a monitoring and reporting framework for the energy sector, considering international reporting requirements. The second ICAT project focused on strengthening capacities to meet the country’s reporting requirements through the BTR and update the NDC. 



ICAT tools used in the country

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Biennial update reports


Biennial transparency reports

Project 2


The project is focused on strengthening capacities to meet the country’s reporting requirements through the BTR and on carrying out studies to propose the elevation of the ambition of the country’s mitigation contributions.


  • GHG projections GHG projections
  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
  • Sectoral climate data systems Sectoral climate data systems
Status: complete
Start date: September, 2023
End date: November, 2024
  • The country’s BTR reporting capabilities are strengthened by building capacity to use GACMO as a projections tool.
  • Technical proposal made to increase the ambition in mitigation contributions for the next NDC update in the sectors of RE, transport, forests and swine, including the use of TRACE to evaluate environmental co-benefits in the transport sector and the establishment of a target for the residential sub-sector.
  • Proposal for the establishment of a legal framework for data collection.
  • Scoping report to identify the most appropriate digital platform for data and information management for Cuba.

Project 1


Develop a new baseline and mitigation system for the energy sector in the context of the new NDC; design a monitoring and reporting framework for the energy sector in the context of the new NDC and taking into account the international requirements in terms of reporting.


  • GHG projections GHG projections
  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
Status: complete
Start date: September, 2020
End date: September, 2023
  1. Develop a new baseline and mitigation scenario for the energy sector in the context of its new NDC taking into account the new mitigation actions identified.
  2. Design a monitoring and reporting framework (institutional aspects and/or monitoring indicators) for the energy sector in the context of the new NDC and taking into account international requirements in terms of reporting (NC, BUR, BR, Inventories).



Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT projects in Cuba, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.