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Chad Chad

ICAT worked with Chad to strengthen the country’s capacity to implement an effective national MRV system and effectively prepare future biennial transparency reports (BTRs). The ICAT project supported the development of the national MRV system, to be implemented through a national agency, and developed indicators and strengthened capacity for monitoring the implementation of Chad’s NDC.



ICAT tools used in the country:


Strengthen Chad’s capacity to implement an effective national MRV system to monitor the performance of targeted mitigation policies and measures, and effectively prepare future biennial transparency reports (BTRs); and enable Chad to successfully apply good practices and tools that incorporate transparency on policies and mitigation measures in selected sectors (petroleum industry, power generation, agriculture and LULUCF).


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
Status: complete
Start date: August, 2020
End date: January, 2022
  1. Define a sustainable, robust and simple institutionalized MRV system plan.
  2. Define the data needed and support the collection of data needed to update the NDC.
  3. Build the capacities of authorities and stakeholders in GHG emissions inventory methods and the use of GACMO.
  4. Set up an NDC tracking system.
  5. Share knowledge and lessons learned.


Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Chad, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.