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Bangladesh Bangladesh

The ICAT project in Bangladesh (implemented together with BCAS and ICCCAD) provided support in establishing a monitoring and evaluation framework to track adaptation progress in the sectors of water resources and agriculture.

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications


Enhance monitoring and evaluation, as well as transparency and reporting of climate change adaptation projects in Bangladesh through the design and development of a dynamic digital platform for efficient access to information. Enhance Bangladesh’s capacity to track and measure gaps and progress on adaptation in two focus areas: Agriculture and Water.


  • M&E of adaptation M&E of adaptation
Status: complete
Start date: January, 2019
End date: July, 2023
  • Perform a country needs assessment to identify prevalent gaps and challenges in terms of undertaking M&E of adaptation and potential ways forward
  • Develop a comprehensive Stakeholder Mapping Report
  • Develop a Stakeholders’ Capacity Building Needs Assessment Tool
  • Develop guidance to identify indicators for adaptation effectiveness in agriculture and water
  • Develop guidance on four existing projects in both the public sector and NGOs.

Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Bangladesh, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.