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Algeria Algeria


ICAT is supporting Algeria to improve its national MRV framework in view of enhancing NDC tracking and updating. The project focuses on enabling the implementation of data collection and GHG projection methodologies and institutional arrangements that are adapted to the national context.


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)



National Communications


Biennial update reports


Complement existing national MRV initiatives through the design of an enhanced framework and the implementation of adapted methodologies that would improve data collection and quality and that would enhance NDC tracking and update.



  • GHG projections GHG projections
  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
  • Sectoral climate data systems Sectoral climate data systems
Status: In progress
Start date: August, 2024
  • Strengthen institutional arrangements under the national MRV system in a way that allows efficient and sustainable sharing of data.
  • Improve GHG inventory data.
  • Enhance quality of data and information related to the NDC through revising BAU scenarios and mitigation scenarios of the NDC.
  •  Improve the methodological framework of tracking NDC actions.

Deliverables will be made available here as the project progresses.

Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Algeria, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.