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Tonga Tonga

ICAT is supporting Tonga to implement an effective national MRV system for electricity generation and road transport and develop an NDC tracking framework for the two sectors. A previous pilot project assessed the transformational change impact of the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan, using the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology.

Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)



National Communications

Project 2


The project focuses on performing gaps and needs assessment of the national MRV frameworks for the Electricity Production and Road Transport sectors, building capacity for the improvement of GHG inventory elaboration and developing an NDC tracking framework for the two selected sectors.


  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • NDC tracking NDC tracking
Status: In progress
Start date: April, 2023
  • Needs and gap assessment of MRV/transparency in the energy and AFOLU sectors including synergies with other support initiatives.
  • Impact assessment of selected policies and actions for tracking progress of NDC implementation.
  • Institutional arrangements and capacity developed for interlinked data management of GHG and SD impacts and tracking progress of NDC implementation.

Project highlights will be displayed here as the project implementation progresses.


Project 1 (ICAT Pilot Project)


Assess the transformational change impact of the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan, using the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology. Understand how it supports Tonga’s NDC in relation to climate change mitigation, while simultaneously complementing multiple other national goas.


  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: January, 2019
End date: April, 2019
  • Conduct an ex-ante assessment of the potential transformational change as a result of Tonga’s Energy Efficiency Master Plan.
  • Provide feedback on the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology in view of the development of a new version.


Implemented with:


If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Tonga, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.