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Niger Niger

The project supported capacity-building to monitor the implementation and impact of mitigation actions in Niger’s revised NDC for the energy and AFOLU sectors. It established tools and a tracking system for NDC implementation, explored a system for tracking international financial flows, and applied ICAT tools where relevant. Knowledge and lessons learned were shared through workshops and reports.


Tools used in this project

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)


National Communications



Biennial update reports



Biennial transparency reports


Develop Niger’s capacity to monitor the implementation and impact of mitigation actions identified in its updated NDC for the Energy and AFOLU sectors, including the set-up of monitoring tools and mechanisms. In addition, explore options for setting up a system to monitor national and international climate finance.


  • Climate finance tracking Climate finance tracking
  • MRV frameworks MRV frameworks
  • Policy assessment Policy assessment
Status: complete
Start date: February, 2022
End date: November, 2023

Implemented with:



If you want to find out more about the ICAT project in Niger, please contact the ICAT Secretariat.