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Transformational Change Toolkit

 Transformational Change Toolkit

The Transformational Change Toolkit is a set of easy-to-use tools that support the assessment of potential transformational impacts of a wide range of climate policies, actions, and projects, covering both mitigation and adaptation. These are referred to as interventions in the toolkit.

The toolkit is composed of the following tools:

    • The Carbon market tool: assesses the transformational impact of interventions with a carbon market component, i.e., interventions where emission reductions may be partially or totally traded.
    • The Investment tool: assesses the transformational impact of investments by funds or private companies.
    • The General assessment tool: assesses the transformational impact of interventions that do not fall under two tools above. 
    • The Portfolio tool: aggregates and compares the transformational impacts of several single interventions grouped under a portfolio. Such a portfolio may be artificial or correspond to an existing package of interventions, such as a country’s NDCs.

The toolkit facilitates the application of the ICAT Transformational Change Methodology, and is a free-to-use, web-based software.


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