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Webinar in Russian: Presentation of the ICAT guide on Articles 6/13

5 September 2024

ICAT’s regional climate action transparency hub in Central Asia is organizing a webinar to introduce the ICAT guide on transparency for Article 6 to Russian-speaking audiences. 

Transparency for cooperative approaches under the Paris Agreement: A guide to navigating the links between Articles 6 and 13, can help countries explore opportunities to engage in Article 6 activities under the Paris Agreement, with a particular focus on understanding the reporting and accounting requirements. The guide, which is already available in English, will be soon available in Russian. 

The webinar is open to government decision makers, experts involved in the preparation and development of policies and national documents on climate and/or emissions trading systems, academics, and other interested parties. It will explore the following topics:

  • Options for international cooperation in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions through Article 6 activities;
  • Conditions for engaging in different types of Article 6 activities, policy considerations, and associated benefits and risks;
  • The impact of Article 6 participation on national transparency systems, including integration with international reporting systems.


First part: 26 September 2024, 15:00 Almaty time (GMT+5)

Second part: 3 October 2024, 15:00 Almaty time (GMT+5)

The webinar will be held in Russian

To register please follow the links:
26 September
3 October