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Registration now open: Facilitated E-Learning Course on Climate Transparency and the Enhanced Transparency Framework

7 February 2025

In collaboration with the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the CBIT-Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP), the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC) and the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency Initiative (ICAT) is pleased to announce that registration for the facilitated e-learning course on climate transparency and the enhanced transparency framework is now open.

Scheduled to start in April 2025, the course aims to provide support to developing countries to build national capacity to implement the ETF under the Paris Agreement. In particular, the course will help countries to assess and develop mitigation policies, so as to advance national and international climate objectives and enable the achievement of national priorities and sustainable development goals.

Participants completing this course will obtain:

  • Insights into the role of ministries and governments within the context of the Paris Agreement and its ETF, and strategies for how to implement the ETF in a way that advances both domestic and international priorities; 
  • An enhanced understanding of the data needs and methods for assessing and reporting on mitigation actions, to facilitate the development of effective climate policies for the design, implementation and tracking of NDCs; 
  • An overview of where to access good practice guidance, knowledge resources, methodologies, guide and tools related to climate transparency; and
  • Background to facilitate the development of effective national transparency frameworks and institutional arrangements, which support the mobilization of resources and support for the implementation of the ETF. 

Following the success of the past five training rounds, targeting regions including: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Balkans, Caucasus, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East, we are now pleased to offer in 2025 this training in English for Anglophone and Lusophone African countries. Participants must have an advanced proficiency in English and fit either of the following profiles:

  1. Senior government officials working in national ministries/organizations concerned with national action on climate change, with some responsibility for supporting national policy development, climate reporting and/or the implementation of transparency agreements.
  2. Technical practitioners working in the field of climate action reporting, data collection and transparency in core and ancillary ministries. This may also include non-public sector practitioners supporting data collection processes at national and sub-national levels.

This course will follow a blended learning approach, with e-learning modules, exercises and weekly virtual interactive sessions with subject matter experts and peers, followed by an in-person workshop for participants who successfully complete the online course and are involved in policy development processes. A facilitator will guide and assist participants throughout the course, providing real-time feedback on activities and exercises. The user-friendly online social learning platform will also offer participants the opportunity to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, promoting peer-to-peer learning

Further information

Please consult the call for registration for further information on the course, including content, dates and eligibility details.