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COP27 Side Event: Enhancing transparency in adaptation

4 November 2022

16 November 2022 | 08:30 – 09:30 (Egypt) | IDFC Pavilion

Co-hosted by ICAT and UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre


The main objectives of the session are to increase the recognition of the importance of transparency for adaptation; and inspire other developing countries to develop M&E systems to track actions and support based on examples from and methodologies developed by ICAT.

The session will focus on two methodologies developed in the context of the ICAT project

  • Tracking adaptation projects implemented by national climate or development funders
  • Transparency in losses and damages



Henning Wuester (ICAT Director)

Henry Neufeldt (UNEP-CCC)

South African representative (tbc)

Representative from Bangladesh (tbc)


Register Now for In-person or virtual attendance, and/or to receive the event material (if available)

COP27 Side Event: Enhancing transparency in adaptation