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ICAT Toolbox: NDC Tracking

 ICAT Toolbox: NDC Tracking

Transparency is vital for nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Under the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, all countries have to provide the information necessary to track progress in implementing and achieving their NDC in their biennial transparency reports. To effectively report on all NDC elements while maximizing domestic benefits through transparency, countries should establish an NDC tracking framework as a continuous process that engages national stakeholders, enables learning and course correction, and empowers them to assess, manage, and track progress toward their climate targets.

Several tools, methodologies and other resources are available to support countries in their efforts to track NDCs.

GHG Abatement Cost MOdel (GACMO)
GHG Abatement Cost MOdel (GACMO)

Provides valuable input for preparing and updating NDCs by identifying NDC targets for emissions reductions and by providing assessments of future emissions in different climate action scenarios.

Explore GACMO

Transport Climate Action Data Tool (TraCAD)
Transport Climate Action Data Tool (TraCAD)

Supports countries to systematically assess the impact of climate actions in the transport sector, facilitating the design and tracking of NDCs.

Explore TraCAD


Supports data collection and management, which can be used to automate or semi-automate data gathering and pre-processing for NDC tracking.


ICAT Policy Assessment Guides
ICAT Policy Assessment Guides

 Help countries assess the impacts of climate policies and actions, supporting NDC revision and tracking of their progress.

Discover the guides

Proposed indicators for domestic MRV purposes and tracking progress of NDCs
Proposed indicators for domestic MRV purposes and tracking progress of NDCs
Unfolding the reporting requirements for Developing Countries under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework
Unfolding the reporting requirements for Developing Countries under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework