Building on two years of successful #Together4Transparency events at UNFCCC sessions and regional gatherings, a new, dedicated digital campaign in support of the initiative has been launched at the June UN Climate Meetings.
#Together4Transparency is a collaborative initiative that unites several groups of stakeholders committed to joining forces in preparation for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), recognizing that all actors can play a role in ensuring the success of the Paris Agreement.
The 2024 digital campaign represents a partnership between the UN Climate Change secretariat and the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) to build momentum for the timely submission of the climate progress reports under the Paris Agreement first, known as Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs).
This year countries will submit their first BTRs which will contain key data and information to enable countries to deepen their emissions reductions, adapt to climate impacts, attract more climate finance, and unlock greater ambition in their next national climate plans (including the new round of Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs), all with the aim of helping to keep 1.5C within reach.
To support this global effort, the #Together4Transparency digital campaign aims to highlight how transparency underpins the Paris Agreement and the critical role that stakeholders play in supporting its effective implementation.
Join us and let’s work #Together4Transparency!
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