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Call for Proposals: Translation of ICAT guides on Article 6 and Agriculture into Russian and design and execution of an outreach campaign to increase the accessibility of the guides in Central Asia

24 August 2023

In early 2023, ICAT launched several new tools and guides, including: Transparency for cooperative approaches under the Paris Agreement: A guide to navigating the links between Articles 6 and 13 and the Agriculture Methodology: Assessing the greenhouse gas impacts of agriculture policies

The guide on Navigating the Links Between Articles 6 and 13 aims to support countries exploring opportunities for engaging in activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, integrating Article 6 efforts into the implementation planning of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and, in particular, understanding the related reporting and accounting requirements. The Agriculture Methodology is designed to help with assessing the impact of policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector. It is relevant to all countries and regions, and applicable to agricultural policies – whether planned, adopted or implemented – at the national or subnational level. This guide can also support countries to better plan their climate policies and measures, implement NDCs, and prepare reports under the Paris Agreement. 

ICAT is seeking a grantee to translate the two above-mentioned guides and increase the accessibility of these guides in Russian speaking countries, particularly those in  Central Asia. The grantee should have the relevant technical knowledge of the subjects and their terminology, as well as knowledge of the Central Asia region, to be able to accurately convey these guides to the target audience. 

Application details are available in full on the UN Global Marketplace.

Call for Proposals: Translation of ICAT guides on Article 6 and Agriculture into Russian and design and execution of an outreach campaign to increase the accessibility of the guides in Central Asia

Deadline: 24 September 2023