Overview of 2023 completed ICAT projects
In 2023, 12 countries completed ICAT projects. Thirty-three additional projects were ongoing in 29 countries, and these will be completed in 2024 and beyond.
Data from each project is captured in ICAT’s monitoring, evaluation, learning and uptake framework, against a set of key performance indicators. The 12 completed projects relate to seven broad impact categories, which are reflected on this page.
Much of the data captured relates to what was achieved during or immediately after the ICAT project. Other data are more difficult to pinpoint, because some of the impacts of the project may only be realized long after the ICAT project has closed. For example, a policy assessment as part of the ICAT project could lead to valuable data about the benefits and downsides of a particular policy by the end of the project. However, the policy in question may not be changed for months, or even years, after the project. Therefore, some of the data reflected in this table could – in some cases – include impacts for which there are strong signs that they will unfold in the future, but have not yet occurred.
To learn more about each country project, click on the arrow and select the country.