Engagement at Events

ICAT actively promoted transparency through participation in international conferences and events, showcasing its effectiveness, facilitating an exchange among countries, and inspiring others to adopt robust transparency frameworks.

ICAT makes use of international conferences and events that gather the international climate change community to highlight the indispensable role of transparency in driving effective climate action. These events help showcase the progress and achievements made by ICAT partner countries in strengthening their transparency frameworks, while also raising awareness about the valuable transparency resources in the ICAT toolbox. Participation in events also brings additional benefits. For example, country representatives have sought out ICAT support after hearing how it benefited others; and countries that would otherwise not engage  have been brought together in a panel discussion to share their complementary experiences.

COP28 reaffirmed the urgency of effective climate action...


COP28 reaffirmed the urgency of effective climate action, with the global stocktake revealing that the world is not on track to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. ICAT organized and actively engaged in sixteen events throughout the two-week conference, spreading the message that transparency is the backbone of the Paris Agreement, essential for its success. From mitigation across sectors, to adaptation and climate finance, the ICAT COP28 side-events covered all facets of climate action including just transitions, climate finance, transformational change, adaptation and small island developing states. 

They were attended by more than 330 in-person participants, while many of them were livestreamed, amplifying the message in the digital sphere. 

The full report of ICAT at COP28 can be found here: https://climateactiontransparency.org/transparency-is-vital-for-the-paris-agreement-to-succeed-icat-at-cop28/

ICAT also organized events during the 2023 Bonn Subsidiary Bodies/Climate Change Conference (SB58), emphasizing the critical importance of transparency in climate action. Besides hosting and participating in a variety of events and meetings, ICAT released the new guides on adaptation, loss and damage, and Article 6, and met with representatives of many of its partner countries. 

A highlight of SB58 was the official side event on transparency for effective climate policies in agriculture, hosted by Fiji, UNOPS and the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute. It highlighted key issues related to transparency in the sector, including the importance of capacity building and long-term sustainability, as well as the development of indicators and monitoring and evaluation frameworks. To a packed room, participants spoke about how collaboration between ministries could be used to ensure data flow and improve buy-in; and explained how transparency played an important role in finding synergies between adaptation and mitigation, as well as well synergies with the Sustainable Development Goals..

All the highlights of ICAT’s participation at SB58 can be found here: https://climateactiontransparency.org/icat-at-the-2023-bonn-climate-change-conference-sb58-highlights/

Other high-level events where ICAT’s presence served as an opportunity to underline the vital importance of transparency in the global climate efforts include the Regional Climate Weeks for the regions of Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean; the World Sustainable Development Summit; the Mexico Carbon Forum; and the Central Asia Climate Change Conference. 

“Transparency is not only a reporting exercise, but it is actually something that helps to collect and manage data for effective climate policies,” said ICAT Director, Dr. Henning Wuester at the 2023 Bonn Climate Change Conference.

Ministers, opinion leaders and high-level representatives from developing countries and the international community shared their experiences and practical examples to illustrate the effectiveness of transparency in the fight against climate change. Many of these events received media coverage and positive feedback from the participants. Through ICAT’s engagement at events, transparency emerged as a shining example and a powerful resource for propelling climate action forward. 

ICAT also organized events during the 2023 Bonn Subsidiary Bodies/Climate Change Conference (SB58)...

ICAT at SB58

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